It’s a brand new year and it’s time to make a splash in every aspect of your life, from your relationships, to your health and career and what better way to reflect this new zest than through your wardrobe!?
Ignore what naturally comes to mind when you think of winter in New York, because it is going to sizzling hot and this has nothing to do with global warming. Red, all shades of red are very in this season and this is great news since red is a strong power color perfect boosting confidence while trying to seize your slice of the pie in 2010!
“But wonderful folks at LessLess, I really don’t have the budget to add any of these cool new reds to my closet.”
Nonsense, there are so many innovative and inexpensive ways to add just a touch of red to your wardrobe without dipping in those savings. The key: accessories, accessories, accessories.
Scarves: They are so popular right now, and they can be purchased just about anywhere. If you are walking on the street to the little shops in Port Authority, you are bound to find one – very trendy at that!
Red rings: Nothing like a beautifully handcrafted piece of jewelry. My favorites: Pippin located not to far from LessLess and Union Square.
Sunglasses: Pick up a pair of red sunglasses from Steve Madden for less than $35 bucks.
Oh! How could I almost forget to beg you to pick up a stellar red belt to liven up the camel colored pants or tunic from last year or add it to a lighter shade of red to a pair of light gray slacks.
Now the Shoes: Red or pink shoes make a statement with just about any ensemble. Rather than go with the black dress and the red shoes, couple the red with some blues or browns!
Play with these Shades:
an Beauty: This true red is neither harsh nor over-the-top and is designed to suit all skin tones.
pture Rose: This vibrant color signifies all that is new and fresh. This nurturing and feminine tone, is toned down from last season's fuschia a little with soft pink.
Burnt Sienna: More a pinkish, earthy orange, reminiscent of Mediterranean terracotta roof tiles. Warm and comforting, probably the most-fall like of all the Panetone shades.
Ignore what naturally comes to mind when you think of winter in New York, because it is going to sizzling hot and this has nothing to do with global warming. Red, all shades of red are very in this season and this is great news since red is a strong power color perfect boosting confidence while trying to seize your slice of the pie in 2010!
“But wonderful folks at LessLess, I really don’t have the budget to add any of these cool new reds to my closet.”
Nonsense, there are so many innovative and inexpensive ways to add just a touch of red to your wardrobe without dipping in those savings. The key: accessories, accessories, accessories.
Scarves: They are so popular right now, and they can be purchased just about anywhere. If you are walking on the street to the little shops in Port Authority, you are bound to find one – very trendy at that!
Red rings: Nothing like a beautifully handcrafted piece of jewelry. My favorites: Pippin located not to far from LessLess and Union Square.
Sunglasses: Pick up a pair of red sunglasses from Steve Madden for less than $35 bucks.
Oh! How could I almost forget to beg you to pick up a stellar red belt to liven up the camel colored pants or tunic from last year or add it to a lighter shade of red to a pair of light gray slacks.
Now the Shoes: Red or pink shoes make a statement with just about any ensemble. Rather than go with the black dress and the red shoes, couple the red with some blues or browns!
Play with these Shades:


Make sure you visit us in our store to get your RED FLAIR of the season: